
网友投稿 204 2023-05-06

























I noticed on your LinkedIn profile that you’ve only been here for 3 months. How are you settling in?我看到你的LinkedIn简介上写着你来这个城市才三个月,你是如何安顿下来的?

I noticed on your LinkedIn profile that you used to work for ABC Company. I used to work for them/we’ve done work for them, what did you do there?我看到你的LinkedIn资料上写着你曾经在ABC公司工作过,我曾经为他们工作过/我们跟他们有业务往来,你在那里做什么?

Looking on your website I noticed that you’ve just done this/achieved that/won this contract/moved to bigger offices/ (anything newsworthy to talk of), how’s that going?在你的网站上,我看到你刚刚做了这个/实现了那个/赢得了这个合同/搬到了更大的办公室/(任何值得谈论的话题都可以),可以具体聊聊吗?

How’s business?最近生意怎么样?

So you’ve been with ABC for 5 years?所以你已经在ABC公司工作了5年?(如果你在LinkedIn找到了相应的信息,你可以使用这个问题)

So you’re the [title/position]. What exactly does that entail?所以你是[某某职称/职务],你具体是负责或做哪方面的工作?

So as the [title/position], do you also oversee…那么作为[某某职称/职务],你是否也监管…


How many people in your department/do you manage/ do you employ?你的部门有多少人/你要管多少人/你们雇佣了多少人?

How long have you been in that/this field altogether?你在这个/那个领域一共工作了多久?

How long have you been in the/this business?你在这个/那个行业工作多久了?

How did you get your start in the business/field?你是如何在该业务/领域起步的?

How many people do you manage?你手下管理着多少人?

Does your role involve a lot of traveling?你的角色是否需要经常出差?

How do you keep up to date on important information in the industry?你通常是如何了解行业内的重要信息?

What periodicals do you read?你平时阅读哪些期刊?

What are you up to this weekend?这个周末你要做什么?(在离开办公室/开会/结束通话的路上可以问这个问题)

What have you got planned for the rest of the day?你今天剩下的时间有什么安排?(在离开办公室/开会/结束通话的路上可以问这个问题)

What have you got on for the rest of the day?你今天剩下的时间有什么安排?(在离开办公室/开会/结束通话的路上可以问这个问题)





Well, thanks for seeing me today John. What I’d like to do is really get to understand the situation you’re in and understand your requirements and then I’ll be able to go away and put a proposal together for you along with the fees. Does that sound ok to you?John,谢谢你今天来见我,我想真正了解你的情况和需求,后续我会把提议和费用一并告诉你,你看这样可以吗?

Well, thanks for seeing me today John. What I’d like to do is really get to understand the situation you’re in and understand your requirements and then I’ll be able to see how we can help you. Does that sound ok to you?John,谢谢你今天来见我,我想真正了解你的情况和需求,这样我们就知道该如何更好地帮助你,你觉得可以吗?

So, as I mentioned on the telephone, today’s meeting should only take about 30 minutes and what I will do is show you exactly how our product works and why it is so powerful. I will demonstrate how much time and money it can save your XXX department. Then, if everything looks good to you, we’ll arrange a time for a demo. How does that sound?所以正如我在电话中提到的,今天的会议大概需要30分钟,我会向你展示我们的产品到底是如何工作的,为什么它如此强大。我也将向你展示它能为某某部门节省多少时间和金钱。然后如果你觉得都没问题的话,我们会安排一个演示时间。你绝这样怎么样?

What we will go over today is…, does that sound acceptable?我们今天要讲的是….,这样OK吗?

So today, I am going to …., and then I’ll be able to see which of our solutions is the best fit for you. Is that what you had in mind?那么今天我将…..,然后我就知道哪一个解决方案是最适合你的。你觉得这样可以吗?

Over the next 20 minutes or so, I’ll show you exactly how we are able to help your retail salespeople close more sales. Then I’ll detail our pricing structure and see what you think…Ok?在接下来的20分钟左右的时间里,我会向你展示我们到底是如何帮助零售端的销售人员完成更多的销售。然后我会详细介绍我们的价格,然后听听你的想法……这样可以吗?

I am going to ask you a series of questions to see if I can determine the problem. Is that ok?我将问你一系列的问题,看能否确定问题出在哪里,你看这样可以吗?

In order to do this, I am going to have to ask you several questions and some may be a little sensitive. Is that ok with you?为了做到这一点,我不得不问你几个问题,有些问题可能有点敏感,你觉得可以接受吗?

In our discovery meeting, we will get into a few rather touchy areas…will that be alright?在我们的探索会议中,我们将聊一些很敏感的领域……这样可以吗?

This meeting will only last about an hour, as I mentioned. However, it is best if we are not interrupted. Can you see to that for us?正如我所提到的,这次会议将只持续一个小时左右,这期间最好不要被打断。你能帮我们落实一下吗?

We will need to tour the plant to see if the square footage is sufficient. Will we have access this afternoon?我们需要参观一下工厂,看看面积是否足够,我们今天下午能进去吗?

So, today we will go over the entire plan, and to do that we will need some accounting information, as well as your head of I.T., Are they available?今天我们将讨论整个计划,所以我们需要一些来自会计和IT主管的反馈,他们有空吗?







How can we help?我们能提供什么帮助?

Could you please give me some background to this?请你给我一些背景资料好吗?

Why are you seeking to do this work/project?你为什么想做这个事情/项目?

Why isn’t this particular technology/service/product/situation/issue working for you right now?为什么现在这个特定的技术/服务/产品/情况/问题对你不适用?

Can you tell me more about the present situation/problem?你能告诉我更多关于目前的情况/问题吗?

How long has it been an issue/problem?那个问题/难题存在多长时间了?

How long have your been thinking about this?你思考这个问题有多久了?

How is it impacting your organization/customers/staff?它对你的公司/客户/员工有什么影响?

How much is the issue/problem costing you in time/money/resources/staff/energy?在时间/金钱/资源/员工/精力上,这个问题/难题给你带来了多大的损失?

How much longer can you afford to have the problem go unresolved?你还能忍受这个问题得不到解决的时间有多长?

When you went to your existing suppliers and shared your frustrations about this problem, what reassurances did they give you that it wouldn’t be repeated?当你去找你现有的供应商聊问题给你的挫败感时,他们给了你什么保证让这个事情不会再发生?

How severe is the problem?问题有多严重?

Why do you think the issue/problem has been going on for so long?为什么你认为这个问题/问题已经持续了这么久?

When do you need the issue/problem fixed by?你需要在什么时候解决这个问题/难题?

What kind of return or payoff will you be looking for if you get a successful resolution of the problem?如果问题得到成功解决,你将寻求什么样的回报或付出?

Who is ultimately responsible for this?谁是最终的负责人?

Tell me more about it.麻烦再多说说。

Can you make an educated guess as to how much it costs you?你能不能合理地猜测一下,它给你带来了多少损失?

Why have you been dealing with this for so long?你为什么处理这件事花了这么久的时间?

Why do you think it is happening?你觉得为什么会发生这种情况?

What’s your role in this situation/issue/problem?你在这种情况/问题/麻烦中的角色是什么?

What bothers you the most about this situation/issue/problem?对于这种情况/问题/麻烦,你最烦恼的是什么?

What are you currently doing to address the problem?你目前正在做哪些事情来解决这个问题?

What have you done in the past to address the problem?你过去为解决这个问题做了些什么?

Have you used this type of product/service in the past?你过去是否使用过这类产品/服务?

Does this affect other parts of the business?这是否会影响到企业的其他部分?

What has prevented you from fixing this in the past?是什么阻碍了你在过去解决这个问题?

What kind of timeframe are you working in to fix this?你希望在什么样的时间期限内解决这个问题?

How long have you been thinking about it?你考虑这个问题有多久了?

Who else is aware of it?还有谁知道这件事?

What is it costing you?它给你带来了什么损失?

What is your strategy to fix this problem?你解决这个问题的策略是什么?

Who supports this action?谁会支持这个行动?

Is this problem causing other problems?这个问题是否会引起其他问题?

What practical options do you have to address this?你有什么切实可行的方案来解决这个问题?

What kind of pressure is this causing you and the business?这给你和企业带来了什么样的压力?

What goals and objectives do you have in general for this?你大体的目标和目的是什么?

What is your biggest challenge with this?你对此最大的挑战是什么?

What has made you want to look into this now?是什么让你想现在来研究这个问题?

In a perfect world, what would you like to see happen with this?如果是最好的情况,你希望看到这个事情发生什么?

What are your key objectives with this?你在这方面的主要目标是什么?

What options are you currently looking at?你目前正在研究的方案是什么?

What options have you tried?你已经尝试过哪些方案?

What do you like about your current supplier?你喜欢你现有供应商的什么?

What kind of time frame are you working within?你在什么样的时间周期内工作?

How important is this need (on a scale of 1-10)?这个需求有多重要(以1-10为标准)?

What is the biggest problem that you are facing with this?你在这方面遇到的最大问题是什么?

What other problems are you experiencing?你还遇到了什么问题?

What are you using/doing now?你现在正在使用/做什么?

If you could have things the way you wanted, what would it look like?如果你可以按你的意愿来处理,那会是什么样子的?

Do you have any preference with regards to the solution?你对解决方案有什么偏好吗?

Is there anything I have overlooked?有什么我忽略的地方吗?

Have I covered everything off?我是否已经把所有的事情都想到了?

What alternatives have you considered?你有考虑过什么替代方案吗?

Have you got any questions you’d like to ask me?你有什么问题想问我吗?

What is important to you in finding a solution to this?在寻找解决方案时,什么对你很重要?

What are your top 3 requirements that this solution just has to have?你对这个解决方案的三大要求是什么?

How soon would you like to move with this?你想在多快的时间内进行这项工作?

How does this look/sound/feel to you?你觉得这个看起来/听起来/感觉如何?

Can you please tell me about that?能否请你告诉我?

Can you give me an example?你能给我举个例子吗?

Can you be more specific?你能说得更具体一些吗?

What other factors have we not discussed that are important to you?我们还有哪些对你来说很重要因素没有讨论过?

Are there any other areas I haven’t asked you about that are important to you?还有没有其他我没有提及,但对你很重要的方面?

What sense of urgency do you have here?你在这里有什么紧迫感?

What else should I know?还有什么需要我知道的?

If you could design the perfect solution, what would it look like, how much would you spend and how long would it go for?如果你能设计一个完美的解决方案,它会是什么样的,你会花多少钱,花多长时间?

What are the long term effects of the problem?问题的长期影响是什么?

What are the intangible effects of the problem?问题的无形影响是什么?

Do you know what other areas the problem is costing you money?你知道这个问题还在哪些方面让你花钱吗?

Can you put an amount on the problem in terms of cost: Weekly, monthly, annually?你能不能给这个问题的带来的花费定一个数额,比如:每周、每月、每年?

Can you see how much money you/your organization loses every day by not solving this issue?你能看出不解决这个问题,你/你的公司每天会损失多少钱吗?

Does the issue cause problems with employee moral?这个问题是否会造成员工道德方面的问题?

Does the issue cause problems that negatively affect the motivation of your staff?这个问题是否会造成对员工积极性产生负面影响的问题?

Can this problem affect productivity?这个问题会影响生产力吗?

Who/how does the problem ultimately affect your current customers?这个问题最终会影响到谁/如何影响到你的现有客户?

How does the problem ultimately affect your prospective customers?这个问题最终如何影响你的潜在客户?

How does the problem ultimately affect your sales teams?这个问题最终如何影响你的销售团队?

How does the problem ultimately affect your other employees?这个问题最终如何影响你的其他员工?

How does the problem ultimately affect your sales process?这个问题最终如何影响你的销售过程?

How does the problem ultimately affect your pricing/selling costs?这个问题最终如何影响你的定价/销售成本?

How does the problem ultimately affect your reputation/goodwill/brand?这个问题最终如何影响你的声誉/商誉/品牌

Do they suffer the same problem?他们是否也有同样的问题?

Is this an industry-wide problem?这是一个全行业的问题吗?

Is it regional/geographical/demographical?它是地区性/地域性/人口性的问题吗?

How much does this problem cost you in man-hours/time?这个问题让你花费了多少工时/时间?

How much more productive could your people be if the problem did not exist?如果这个问题不存在,你的员工能提高多少工作效率?

So what type of a number would you put on this?那么你会给这个问题定一个什么样的数字呢?

Who did you work with last time and why?你上次和谁合作,为什么?

Thanks for all of the information that you’ve given me, it’s been really useful. Have I asked you about every detail that’s important to you?谢谢你给我的信息,真的很有用。我有没有覆盖全了每一个重要的细节?(这是最后的问题,它可以让潜在客户涵盖任何你可能没有问到但对他们很重要的问题)。


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