海外社交媒体营销: 拓展业务的关键和突破口
超级碗(Super Bowl)指的是NFL职业橄榄球大联盟的年度冠军赛,一般在1月最后一个周日或2月第一个周日举行,这一天被称为超级碗星期天(Super Bowl Sunday)。
The Super Bowl refers to the annual championship game of the National Football Conference (NFL), usually held on the last Sunday in January or the first Sunday in February, which is known as Super Bowl Sunday.
一年一度的作为全美洲商业价值最高的体育赛事美国职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)第57届超级碗将于2月12日举办。对于往届举办地墨西哥而言,NFL也是墨西哥人仅次于足球的第二大受欢迎的活动,拥有美国以外最大的 NFL 球迷群。
图源:Pedro Pardo/法新社通过 Getty Images 摄
根据Statista 数据,2022 年墨西哥约有 1060 万人通过免费电视观看了超级碗比赛。这大约占2022 年墨西哥人口估计数的 8.15% 。
According to Statista data, approximately 10.6 million people in Mexico watched the Super Bowl on free TV in 2022. This represents approximately 8.15% of the estimated Mexican population in 2022.
备受瞩目的热门赛事必将带来超高的商业价值,带动零售业、旅游业等产业的增长。据《福布斯》公布的数据,超级碗被估价4.2亿美元,稳坐最具商业价值的体育赛事宝座,比奥运会(2.3亿美元)和世界杯足球赛(1.2亿美元)相加还要高。根据美国国家橄榄球联盟 (NFL) 委托进行的一项研究,2016 年在墨西哥城举行的常规赛使该市的总收入增加了 4500 万美元。
照片由 Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images 拍摄
Although this year's Super Bowl is not being held in Mexico, it does not stop Mexican fans from watching the game with enthusiasm. So, what products will drive growth during the Super Bowl?
Normally, apart from drinks and food, the first products to surge in sales at sporting events are bound to be match peripherals, sporting goods and decorative items, especially those with popular teams and player-related merchandise on them. For online viewing, smart TVs and ancillary products such as TV stands and projectors are also likely to be popular. In addition, partyware, kitchenware and other items have the potential to sell well.
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