如何制定有效的海外营销规划?| 海外营销规划 | 优化全球市场的关键步骤
Dear XXXXX, you have to make everything as to load the goods on 24th!!!! This is the last day for the vessel which is leaving on 29th!! If you don't load on this date,we will delay for the promotion!
1. 同指定货代联系,29号的船是否可以让我们在26号或25号进仓,货代回复可以25日中午前进仓,但要加收300元的费用;
2. 要求生产部必须在24日完成这个订单的生产并在当天晚上发货。经过内部协调,生产部在将另两个订单推后,大货于24日中午生产完毕。24日按客户要求,将我司内部检验报告发客户,客户确认可以出货。
Dear XXXXX, I need the documents in xls format.The minimum penalty that u have to pay is 400 USD ( my client asked me to pay 1000 USD ),so i have to pay.Be glad that because we are friends i speak with my boss and beg him to take only 400USD from u.
Dear BBBBB, Please check the attached invoice and packing list in xls format. I am really sorry that we do not agree the penalty of USD400. The price we gave you is very low, and we have no profit on your orders. Please kindly support us on this. Thank you.
Dear XXXXX, you have to think about these 400 USD before to delay.I sent you many emails telling you that u will have penalty.Sorry.
Dear BBBBB, We are sorry for the delayed shipment though we have done the best. But really sorry, we can not accept the penlty. The price with you is really too low, and can not support the penlty.
1. 我们赶上了客户的5月29日的船,没有误了最终的促销,客户邮件里所说的被他的客户罚款应该是不存在,客户自身没有损失,他只是希望能够在我们这儿扣点钱,多点利润;
2. 即然最终买方不是他们自己,而且最终买方是用于促销,他们也必须在最终买方要求的最后时间内给他们货,所以只要我们坚持,最后客户是必须以及时拿到货为第一。
Dear XXXXX, ok,then i cannot take the goods.You can transport them to your country and take back.Also,i will take a layer to return back the deposit as i have confirmed PI with the terms of delivery and there is clear seen that u are not followed them. Kind regards,
Dear BBBBB, I am sorry to hear your mail. But I can't agree on you as: 1. You had said that there will be a penlty, but I never confirmed the penlty; 2. At your mail dated May 18, you said that if the goods can't catch the vessel shipped on May 29, you will delay for the promotion. We finally catched the vessel, that means the promotion is not delayed; 3. At your mail dated May 16, you know the shippment would be delayed, but you sent us the instruciton to make the booking of the vessel; and at that time, we didn't confirmed the penlty; As you know, in the past one and half year, we have made great effort in supporting your business. We keep the exclusivity of this item for you in your market though the ordered quantity doesn't reach the pre-agreed quantity for exclusivity. And the price we gave you is the lowest among all our customers. We really hope you can support us also. Please kindly reconsider and thanks in advance for your support.
这个回复,我是出于以下考虑: 1. 必须列明我们不同意支付罚金的理由; 2. 同时,以我司以前对他们的支持作为一个理由,让他们有个台阶可以下。 当天晚上,收到客户的回复邮件如下:
Dear XXXXX, actually from your attitude now depends if i will make new order for 10 000 pcs which i intended to make.
从这个邮件来看,客户放弃了威胁手段,改为利诱了,他邮件的意思是,我们准备再下一个1万台的订单,现在看你们的态度了。 言下之意,只要你们同意支付罚金,我还会再下一个新订单给你。看到这儿,我意识到我有可能在原有目标的基础上,再给自己争取一点好处了。于是第二天上午回复:
Dear BBBBB, Thanks for your support on the intended possible order. But I am really sorry, due to the limite of the production capacity, our factory is really stuffed at this time. According to our production schedule, the earliest delivery time of new orders will be middle of Nov. Please kindly reconsider if you can accept this delivery time. I will explain the details to you by Skype this afternoon.
As for the previous order, I am really sorry for the delay because of broken of the tooling of the adjusting column. But we have really done our best to catch your promotion time, as what I said in my previous mail I postponed some other orders. I do hope you can understand and continously support us as before, as you know, our price to you is impossible to afford any penlty.
之所以这样回复,我的判断原因是: 1. 从之前的情况以及这个邮件来看,我认为最终买方给我的客户是一个长期合同,到了一定时间后,客户肯定还要再下订单给我们,以保证他们自己不会在最终买方那儿违约; 2. 以新订单的交货期,来迫使客户放弃罚金的计划。 第二天下午收到客户回复,明显的,看到我的邮件,客户有点急了,只回了一句话:
XXXXXX, I can accept begg of october for the new order.
Dear BBBBBB, New order delivered at begining of October is really too difficult for us. We are now processing a project of more than 2 million USDfrom AAAA Company, and another project about 0.5 million USD from CCCCC Company is waiting for produce, our factory is really stuffed now.
XXXXX, make the needed or else I will make new factory for this model.
Dear BBBBB, I am trying to put your order in priority. But seems needs more reason to persuade my boss. Can you please: 1. Make confirm that you will support us that there will be no penalty on the goods shipped on May 29; 2. Can you please increase the price a little? As your idea sourcing a new factory to make this item, I am really sorry to say that, this is our Patented item.
XXXXX, i won't increase the price. As this order is after 5- 6 months,it will be on LC.
Dear BBBBB, I will talk with my boss again to see if he agrees to put your order in priority based on the original price, and please confirm there will be no penalty on the goods shipped May 29. As for the payment, we hope it can keep the same as before with deposit, as the LC costs too much, and our profit can't afford it. But you may make the deposit around the begining of Aug while the order can be confirmed within these days.
XXXXX, ok,i confirm.Send me PI and i will pay the deposit in begg of August and delivery will be in begg of October. Also,please tell me what is the volume of the goods -10 000 pcs. If this is made,i confirmed no penalty for this order. BBBBB
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