今年开始,亚马逊对刷单的控制力度越发严格,某种意义上讲,也截断了广大卖家获取评价的一个途径。剩下的获取评价的手段就很有限了,既符合亚马逊的规则,同时又要保证效果,恐怕还得指望亚马逊的索评邮件了。亚马逊索评邮件,其实就是在用户进行下单购买之后的邮件跟踪,给用户提供附加价值的操作,包括给用户提供产品购买信息,客服服务支持,产品相关的使用说明,或者其他的相关信息,总之能够帮助用户解决问题。要写好留评率较高的亚马逊索评邮件,尝试用一下下面的邮件模板,可以从三个步骤入手: 1. 收到订单,发送第一份提醒邮件 这时发出的邮件有两个目的:一是告知买家订单状况,表明他们的订单并没有被遗忘;二是给买家提个醒,避免他们在过一阵还没收到货物时给你来个差评。
邮件模板邮件主题:[Important] Your order has been confirmed!邮件内容:Hi, [buyer name]. I'm just writing to let you know that Amazon has confirmed your new order: [Order ID]. I am personally following up on every order to make sure everything was delivered safe and sound! If you have any question, please be sure to write back, I will make sure to set things right. Our small team at Company works hard to ensure that you have a happy shopping here. Have a good day. Thank you very much for your support!★需要注意的是,在邮件主题中加入[Important]一词,能够有效减少退信率,以及提高邮件的阅读率。 2. 发货后,发送跟进邮件最好是发货后第一时间发送,让卖家能够实时了解货物的物流情况,有利于提高买家的购物体验。这一次的邮件内容就要开始涉及到正题了。在这封邮件中,我们需要请消费者来留下评价,这是最重要的目的。邮件模板三封超级有效的亚马逊索评邮件,还怕用户不留评
邮件主题:[Important]Your order has been shipped!邮件内容:Hi, [buyer name]. I'm writing to let you know that Amazon has shipped your new order: [order ID, order time]. Once your order arrives, please be sure to write back if there is any problem with the order or if you have any question. I will make sure that your problems are well solved, and that you receive the best customer service and are 100 percent Happy with your purchase. Thanks ,Have great day!
3. 卖家确认收货后,发送索评邮件这将是索评三步走的最后一次索评邮件,它会呼应前两封邮件,让整个流程有始有终,进一步为消费者呈现一个负责,热情的卖家形象,同时完成我们的索评需求。最后这一封索评邮件,可以在卖家收到货后的1-3天内发送,既给买家一定的时间体验产品,又可以趁着买家享受新产品的那份热情去索评,成功率更高。
邮件模板邮件主题:[Important]Thank you for your [product-name] purchase! My name is X and I am the owner of [Your Amazon Store Name]. I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers! I noticed that your order was delivered recently. Product Ordered: X Your order: wxxojlcc---qrir_h=qnhicfocyh/utrnnh/=xc I hope that you've had a chance to try the product. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy. If you have any issues, please reply to this email so I can make it right! (In fact, I love to hear from people who are enjoying my products, so I'd like to hear from you even if everything has gone smoothly!) If you are not satisfied with the product, please give us a chance to make it right! Respond to this email, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. We'd be honored to get your honest review of the product! wxxojlcc---qrir_h=qnhicu?vz?-cu?vz?-tyh/uto/unwrj?j#Thank you again for ordering from [Your Amazon Store Name]. We truly appreciate your business. We LOVE our customers and we will always be here if you need us.Wishing you the best![Your Name], Owner[Your Amazon Store Name]Changing the world...one dime at a time.
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